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A Critical Evaluation of the Arguments that Mark is a Pauline Gospel

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Since I wrote a whole series on this blog where I tried to undercut the idea that Mark’s Gospel was a distinctly Pauline work, I want to call attention to a recent article by John Van Maaren, “Is the Gospel of Mark Distinctly Pauline? A Critical EvaluationJBL 143.1 (2024): 125-142. Here is the abstract:

“The renewed interest in the relationship between the Gospel of Mark and the apostle Paul has led to more nuanced arguments for Paul’s influence on Mark based on refined methodologies. In this article, I critically evaluate the current state of the argument, concluding that it depends on too many variables and expects too much of our sparse evidence to make a convincing argument that Mark is distinctly Pauline. Therefore, the Gospel of Mark should be read independently of Paul so that its unique features might be first understood within its own narrative world, rather than interpreted through a Pauline lens.”

Wherever you stand on this issue, the article provides a helpful up-to-date survey of the scholarship on the question and I agree with the author’s criticisms of reading the Gospel of Mark through a Pauline lens.