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Female Scholars Meme

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Note: This was originally posted on The Golden Rule Blog in response to the widespread concern about the under-representation of female voices in biblioblogging by recognizing the contributions of women to biblical and religious studies.  Granted, there may be deeper structural issues to be dealt with (i.e. the patriarchal heritage within western religious traditions), but this meme was a small attempt as a community to raise awareness and promote egalitarianism.  The meme asked different bloggers to name the top 5 most influential female biblical or religious studies scholars on their area of study, though some listed more. Indeed, with regards to my list below (i.e. Denise Kimber Buell, Paula Fredriksen, Michelle Murray, Judith Lieu, Mary Douglas) I would today add more scholars that have influenced my own scholarship (e.g., Brenda Deen Schildgen, Adela Collins, Mary Ann Tolbert, Elizabeth Struthers Malbon, Joanna Dewey, Morna Hooker, Adele Reinhartz, Catrin Williams, Margaret Mitchell, Margaret McDonald, Caroline Johnson Hodges, Pamela Eisenbaum, Love Sechrest, Loveday Alexander, Beverly Roberts Gaventa, etc.). Also, for further prominent and upcoming scholars, check out the blog Women Biblical Scholars.

Meme Results, September 7, 2009

April DeConick:  Matilda Gage, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Rachel Elior, Jane Schaberg, Elizabeth Fiorenza, Daphna Arbel, Phyllis Trible, Rosemary Ruether, Holly Hearon, Elaine Pagels, Karen King, Anne McGuire, Elizabeth Clark, Virgina Burrus, Elizabeth Castelli, Madeleine Scopello, Ann Graham Brock.

Bob MacDonald:  Susannah Ticciati, Tikva Frymer-Kensky, Jody Magness, Carolyn Osiek, Mary Coloe, Morna Hooker, Elizabeth Schlussle Fiorenza

Daniel and Tonya:  Carol Dempsey, Rachel Williams, Cynthia Miller, April DeConick, Karyn Traphagen, Amy Jill-Levine.

Daniel O. McClellan:  April DeConick, Alison Salveson, Jodi Magness, Martha Himmelfarb, Jo Anne Hackett.

Doug Chaplin:  Frances Young, Morna Hooker, Paula Fredriksen, Margaret Thrall, April DeConick.

J. K. Gayle:  Carolyn Osiek, April DeConick, Adele Berlin, Phyllis A. Bird, Julia Evelina Smith

James McGrath:  Frances Young, Elisabeth S. Drower, Jorunn Jacobson Buckley, Elaine Pagels, April DeConick

Jim Linville:  Wendy Doniger, Catherine Bell, Susan Niditch, Yvonee Sherwood, Katherine M. Hayes, Mary Douglas (honourable mention). 

Jim West:  Amy-Jill Levine, Gisela Kittel, Charlotte von Kirschenbaum, Helen K. Bond, Diane Edelman

John Anderson:  Anathea Portier-Young, Paula Fredriksen, Phyllis Trible, Danna Nolan Fewell, Adele Berlin, Diana Lipton, Nancy deClaisse-Walford, Amy-Jill Levine, Diana Edelman, Mary Douglas, Susan Niditch

John Hobbins:  Adele Berlin, Tikvah Frymer-Kensky, Carolyn Osiek, Elizabeth Schussler-Fiorenza, Phyllis Trible.  (And outside of biblical studies), Leora Batnitzky, Mary Douglas, Martha Nussbaum, Simone Weil, Frances Young.

Judy Redman:  Morna Hooker, Marjorie Procter-Smith, Elizabeth J Smith, Phyllis Trible, Rosemary Radford Reuther, Sallie McFague, Elizabeth Johnson, April DeConick, Majella Franzmann, Judith Plaskow, Carol Christ, Dorothy McRae-McMahon, Karen Armstrong, Luisa Schutroff

Ken Brown:  Margaret Barker, Mary Coloe, Susan Niditch, Marianne Meye Thompson, Gale Yee

Matthew Burgess:  Adela Yarbro Collins, Paula Fredriksen, Judith Kovacs, Elaine Pagels, Diana Swancutt

Michael Whiteton:  Adela Yarbro Collins, Beverly Roberts Gaventa, Katharine Doob Sakenfeld, April DeConick, Carolyn Osiek.

Michael Kok:  Denise Kimber Buell, Paula Fredriksen, Michelle Murray, Judith Lieu, Mary Douglas

Nick Norelli:  Sarah Coakley, Marianne Meye Thompson, Frances M. Young

Patrick McCullough:  Marriane Meye Thompson, Adela Yarbro Collins, Paula Fredriksen, Martha Himmelfarb, Margaret M. Mitchell, Judith Lieu, Reta Halteman Finger, Carolyn Osiek

Rachel Marszalek:  (updated in comments on Golden Rule blog) Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza, Dr Elaine Storkey, Dr Phyllis Trible, Monica Furlong and R.M. Groothius

Rob Reid:  Adela Yarbro Collins, Jamie Clark-Soles, Carolyn Osiek, Margret M. Mitchell, Paula Fredriksen

Rod Thomas:  Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Renita Weems, Phyllis Trible, Julia A. Foote, Kwok Pui Lan, Cheryl Kirk Duggan

Ros Clarke:  Ellen Davis, Adele Berlin, Phyllis Trible, Athalaya Brenner, Carey Ellen Walsh

Suzanne McCarthy:  Linda Belleville, Carol Meyers, Elizabeth Schussler-Fiorenza, Catherine Booth, Karen King, Elaine Pagels, Katherine Bushnell

Tony Siew:  Elizabeth Fiorenza, Adele Berlin, Carol Meyers, Edith Humphrey

Update:  A few new submissions have come in, so the results have been updated

Update II:  JK Gayle combines both Ken’s meme and mine to show some more interesting results.

If you are interested in how the votes came in from the meme, here is the list of top scholars as voted on by different bloggers.  Let me know if I made any mistakes in counting.  Here are how the votes broke down:

#1.  The winners with 7 votes is Phyllis Trible, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza and April DeConick.

#2.  Paula Fredriksen and Carolyn Osiek received 6 votes.

#3.  Adele Berlin received 5 votes.

#4.   Frances Young received, Adela Yarbro Collins, Mary Douglas, and Elaine Pagels received 4 votes.

#5.  Amy-Jill Levine, Susan Niditch, Marianne Meye Thompson, and Morna Hooker received 3 votes.